Friday, September 01, 2006

New Additions to the Family!!

I have exciting news. At long last, I am having a few additions to my family! No, for all of you (mom) that are freaking out, I'm not pregnant with twins; I got kittens! I've been contemplating getting a cat for a while, because, well, I'm tired of being the only person in my life. I'd prefer a dog, but they are too much work, especially given my call schedule. I figure cats can be left alone for a while, as long as they have food in their bowls and a fresh litter box. And two is essential, so they can keep each other company.

So, as fate would have it, a patient had kittens she desperately needed to get rid of, hence the impetus I needed to take the next step in enlarging my family. I checked out the litter, then ok'ed it with my landlords, and I am now the proud owner of two 7 week old kittens. They have been great so far, only a mild clash of wills with the male, who has decided the loveseat is a secondary litter box.

Here are some pictures. This is the litter at 4 weeks of age, and these are the two I ended up chosing at 7 weeks of age. You'll cring at their names, but I named the orange male "Puss", and the black female with the white paws "Boots". I know, it's terrible: Puss N Boots! But they are sweet, and I have no regrets so far... although I've only had them for 2 weeks, so I really haven't had time for regrets! They've already started to have 'personalities'; Boots is very social and friendly, and always comes bouncing when I come in the door. Puss is stand-offish, possibly partly because we're clashing about the loveseat / litterbox. Hopefully he'll warm to me. I'll keep you posted.

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